“But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:42)

Mary was the younger of two unmarried sisters who lived comfortably, with their brother in a small town, just outside of Jerusalem, called Bethany. Jesus had a close friendship with the family and often stayed in their home when he was in town. We know a little more of Mary thanks to her free spirit and her desire to spend time at Jesus’ feet.
Although they were raised in a traditional Jewish home, Mary had a very different opinion than her sister as to what a woman’s role was. These ideas undoubtedly caused friction between the two, especially when there was work to be done and Mary could be found hanging out in the Lord’s company instead.
Mary lived for the moments where she could just sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to Him speak. On this particular occasion, she could sense the Lord’s sadness, as His death was approaching.
Mary just wanted to be near Jesus and do something special for Him, and so she took a years’ wages worth of precious ointment and proceeded to pour it over Jesus’ feet and wipe it up with her hair.
In doing so, Mary showed a unique sensibility, and her gift showed her unconditional love for Jesus that was lost on many that day. She was criticized for her actions as there were those present who didn’t understand the love that she felt for her Lord. But Jesus came to her rescue, knowing that He would soon be leaving them, He embraced her actions.
On that day when there was so much to be done, Mary chose to lay herself down at Jesus’ feet and give Him her most precious possession. For her, nothing was too good for Jesus, and nothing was more important than spending time with Him. (John 12:1-8)
When the busyness of our day keeps us from spending time with the Lord, it is time to reconsider the quality of our lives. Jesus longs for us to open our hearts and make room for Him. Bring your most treasured possession to Jesus’ feet today. Make time with Jesus a priority!
Suggested Prayer: Dear loving Father, what a privilege to be able to spend uninterrupted time at your feet, allowing myself to be filled with your Spirit. I give you my heart. I ask that you grant me the desire to make time to pour myself out at your feet and give you the best of me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.