At His Feet – Part 2

“And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41-42)

A picture of a girls in a field carying a boy on her back

As the older sister, Martha was set on looking after the home. She was the ultimate hostess; no one went hungry when Martha was around. It is no wonder that Jesus and his disciples often stopped at her home to visit.

She loved the Lord with her whole heart; what a privilege to have him sit at her table and speak life into all who would listen. But Martha would get so caught up in serving everyone, that she rarely had time to sit and enjoy the Lord as others did.

Her sister, Mary, was quick to hang up her apron and run to sit at Jesus’ feet, but Martha wanted to make sure that everyone was served.

On one occasion, Martha, tired of carrying the load on her own, went to Jesus to complain about her lazy sister who just wanted to sit next to Him. But Jesus surprised her with His words.

He said, “Martha, Martha, you are troubled about many thingsā€¦But only one thing is needed” – ME! HE goes on to make her see that Mary had chosen well. He possibly, then, invited her to sit next to Him too!

Although these sisters had very different priorities, they both loved Jesus deeply. Martha was dependable; she could be counted on to do what was needed.

There is room for different personalities at Jesus’ feet. We all have different treasures and gifts to lay before Him. What is good for one person may not be good for another.

We can use this opportunity to learn from each other’s strengths and weaknesses to better God’s Kingdom. Jesus wants us to serve each other, but he also wants us to spend time in His presence.

Make time for both today, and although we can do it all, only one is really needed – our time with Jesus. Don’t let anyone, or anything, take those moments from you.

Suggested Prayer: Dear Lord, I get so caught up with daily tasks that I lose focus of my main priority – spending time with you. Forgive me for not seeing that you are the only thing I really need. I can make time for everything, but it is time at your feet that I desire most. Allow me the privilege of being in your presence, for that is the best part! In Jesus’ Precious name, Amen.

Acts International
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