Breathe on me, breath of God

Breathe on me, breath of God Ezekiel 37:9-10 In the Garden of Eden Adam was perfectly formed, but he had no life. He “had it all together,” but he wasn’t going anywhere until God’s Spirit breathed into him. Then he started walking with God, taking initiative, and fulfilling his purpose in life. You say, “I […]

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At home in the Lord

At home in the Lord

At home in the Lord Psalm 90:1 David wrote: “Some of you were lost in the scorching desert, far from a town. You were hungry and thirsty and about to give up. You were in serious trouble, but you prayed to the Lord, and he rescued you…he brought you to a town” (Psalm 107:4-7). Our

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Sowing Seeds

Small seeds – big harvests!

John 1:41 Pastor Tony Evans writes: “I was born and raised in inner-city Baltimore. By the time I was about ten, my parents looked to be heading for divorce. But then one day everything changed; someone witnessed to my father and he accepted Christ. My father developed the habit of getting up at midnight, praying

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Joel 2:25 Some of you reading this are old enough to remember hard times, shortages on cash, and limited menus. You lived on a food budget, which meant you sometimes saw the same dish more than once. Although, due to your mum’s incredible talent in the kitchen, it didn’t always have the same face. It

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Don’t Give Up Hope

Jeremiah 29:11 A few years ago the Soviet submarine Kursk went down in the Barents Sea. When the diving crews finally reached it they heard SOS signals coming from inside. Desperate sailors wondered “Is there any hope?” Sadly for them there wasn’t. Do you feel trapped in an impossible situation you can’t seem to change

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Don’t Be a Blame Thrower (2)

Galatians 6:5 Sally managed a small marketing company, and when problems arose, she automatically looked for a scapegoat. At sales meetings, she berated and criticized her co-workers, choosing to call her tirades “pep talks”. Her associates began to resign in droves, and when company revenues declined, Sally blamed it on the slow economy, inefficient staff,

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Don’t Be a Blame Thrower (1)

Romans 14:12 Ever seen a flamethrower in the movies? It’s a fiery torch designed to destroy people. “Blame throwers” do the same. When life doesn’t go their way, instead of taking responsibility for their decisions and actions they blame others. And there’s no shortage of scapegoats. For example: My business would have succeeded if the

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