
10 Principles

Genesis 1:31 God knew the specific purpose you were born to fulfil, so He provided all the gifts you’d need, including the environment required to put it all together. Then He looked at you and said, “Very good.” Can you say that too? It’s important that you can. Why? Because others will treat you according […]

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If You Want Mercy, Show Mercy

Luke 6:36 Ernest Hemingway tells the wonderful story of a father and his teenage son who lived in Spain. Their relationship fell apart and the son ran away from home. After some years the father began the long journey in search of his lost and rebellious boy, finally putting an advert in the Madrid newspaper

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Forgive and move on (1)

Philippians 3:13-14 The greater the offense, the harder it is to forgive – but you must. Because whatever you refuse to forgive and let go of, you carry with you. And it will be like an albatross around your neck. Has someone abused you, cheated on you, lied about you, fired you, or otherwise mistreated

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Move On

Forgive and move on (2)

Luke 9:62 If you’re wise, you’ll do four things: (1) Focus on the road ahead. By looking in the rearview mirror instead of at what’s ahead, you’ll miss the next turn and end up in a ditch. Focus on the fact that you survived, and that you’ve learned from your experience. God kept you around

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